Preparing for your migrant staff for work in New Zealand

Prepare your migrant staff for work in NZ
As an employer, you can help your new migrant workers to prepare for work and life in a new country by giving them the information they need. Some information is best provided before they leave their home country, and some when they arrive in New Zealand.

Before they Leave, you Should Provide Information About

  • The type of work they will be doing
  • What the working conditions are like in New Zealand
  • Any special requirements for the job (e.g., mandatory training)
  • What the accommodation and living conditions are like in New Zealand
  • What the cost of living is like in New Zealand

When they Arrive in New Zealand, you Should Provide Information About

  • How to get around the city or town they will be living in
  • Where to find essential services (e.g., banks, supermarkets, medical care)
  • New Zealand laws and customs that they need to be aware of
  • Any support services that are available to help them settle in (e.g., English classes, job search assistance)
By providing this information, you can help your new migrant workers to feel prepared and supported as they start their new life in New Zealand.

Support them Emotionally Too

In addition to providing practical information, it is also essential to support your new migrant workers emotionally. They may be feeling anxious or homesick, and you can help by creating a supportive and welcoming environment at work. Please encourage them to ask questions, express any concerns they have, and let them know that you are there to support them.

Welcome them to New Zealand

Finally, remember to welcome your new migrant workers to New Zealand! They have chosen to make this country their home, and they will contribute to its richness and diversity. Thank them for their decision, and help them to feel at home in their new country.

Help Them Connect With a Good Immigration Adviser Like NZ Migration Help

You can also help your new migrant workers by referring them to a good immigration adviser like NZ Migration Help. We can provide information and support throughout their journey, from the initial visa application process to settling into life in New Zealand.

We can Help your Employees With

  • Visa applications
  • English language support
  • Accommodation and moving advice
  • Setting up utilities and other essential services
  • Orientation to life in New Zealand
  • And much more!

We can also Help Employers By

  • Providing information about your obligations as an employer of migrant workers
  • Assisting with the recruitment of migrant workers
  • Helping you to create a supportive and welcoming environment for your new employees
  • Setting up systems that keep you compliant with Immigration NZ
If you would like to know more about how we can help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our experts.